Homeschool / Unschool

So, you’re interested in homeschooling or unschooling but you don’t know what to do next. That’s quite all right. That’s what we’re here for. Below are some options and explanations that will help you decide what to do next.

First, what is the difference between homeschooling and unschooling? Watch this very short video for a brief explanation:

What are the steps I need to take?

  1. Choose if you want to homeschool or unschool. This choice determines the curriculum.
  2. Make an appointment for a free consultation or register.

Choose an Education Method


Unschooling Curriculum

If you choose to ‘unschool’, there is only one choice for curriculum from Sawyer Scholastics. This curriculum is project- and presentation-based. In other words, your child (student) will fulfill their educational needs through the completion of projects and presentations that are aligned with grade-level learning outcomes.

Curriculum Choices

Choice 1

With ‘Choice 1’, we provide you with some 3rd-party options that are pre-approved. We are not associated with these curriculum providers, but we are well-aware of them and have worked with parents who have used them. Whichever you choose, we map out the curriculum for you and help you plan your lessons. Please note that you are responsible for any fees charged by 3rd-party curriculum providers.

Choice 2

‘Choice 2′ is the Sawyer Scholastics curriculum. While there is no additional fee for using Sawyer Scholastics curriculum in any grade, as of the 2024-2025 school year, the curriculum is NOT designed to be self-study and does not have any videos or online platform. It is a series of pdfs that are emailed to the students’ parents/tutors. If you choose this option, you must hire a tutor.

Choice 3

In this choice, you may present us with a curriculum for our review and approval. If you want to use a 3rd-party curriculum we have not reviewed and have not recommended before, we will be more than happy to evaluate it for you. Whichever you choose, we map out the curriculum for you and help you plan your lessons. Please note that you are responsible for any fees charged by 3rd-party curriculum providers.


Whichever curriculum you choose, you have the freedom to change it at any time. However, we would like you to please keep in mind that stability and routine are extrememly important when it comes to education. The brain remembers best and functions better when it follows a standard routine. Therefore, we recommend that you choose very carefully at the beginning of the educational process and to not change curriculum or educational methods during a school ‘year’. Only change when absolutely necessary (you see what you are doing is not working) and only during breaks between ‘years’.